A revised version of my phd-dissertation with the title “‘Okna otkroi! – ‘Open the Windows!’ – Transcultural Flows and Identity Politics in the St. Petersburg Music Scene” was published last week in the series “Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society” edited by Andreas Umland. I am very honored to have a super foreword written by my friend and colleague Yngvar B. Steinholt! His dissertation “Reservation Rock: Songs from the Leningrad Rock Club 1981-86” was one of the reasons I embarked on this phd-project in 2004. As with my dissertation which I defended in 2009 this book describes the St. Petersburg rock scene as well as the connections to the Russendisko-scene in Berlin and Germany. The book can be ordered directly from the publisher ibidem or through Amazon.de.
Coincidentally an interview was published with me in the “Mannheimer Morgen” last week. Titled “Musikethnologe als Weltenbummler” the interview also discusses some of my phd-research.