I am back in Vienna, this time for a month visiting the Institute for Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology (Institut für Volksmusikforschung und Ethnomusikologie) which is part of the University of Music and Performing Arts (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien). During my visit I will both be doing research as well as presenting part of my research to the students and faculty, e.g. tomorrow I will present some Norwegian vocal folk music (just spent two hours transcribing “Kjeringji med staven” sung by Talleiv Røysland). I will also follow courses here – actually yesterday I participated in an excursion to the indonesian embassy where we got an introduction to and a course in gamelan playing.
Hi Emil!
Juhu, zurück in der Heimat…. Wien im Frühling, ich hoffe es ist schäään und gefällt Dir :-). Viele Grüße in den Süden und iss nicht zuviele Mozartkugeln 😀