Two years ago I was asked by Prof. Ursula Hemetek to give a guest lecture within the Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien’s lecture series “Transkulturalität”. The resulting talk charted the development of the world music degree program at the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg and critiqued Wolfgang Welsch’s term “Transkulturalität”. Instead, I argue in favor of…Continue reading Article “Die Musiken der Welt in Mannheim? Cultural flow und die künstlerische Ausbildung in Weltmusik” published
Tag: World music
My summer hit musings
A couple of weeks ago I was interview by Clemens Panagl from the Salzburger Nachrichten on why songs from the non Anglo-US-American musical world suddenly become summer hits. The resulting article titled “Dein Sommerhit, das unbekannte Wesen” was published on July 7th and included some of my musings on what makes a (summer)hit. I managed…Continue reading My summer hit musings