I just finished a book I should have read a long time ago: Sara Cohen’s “Rock Culture in Liverpool – Popular Music in the Making”, Oxford 1991. This book is one of the first ethnographies of local popular music production / a local popular music scene – and a very detailed one as well. Cohen…Continue reading Book: Rock Culture in Liverpool
Category: phd
digital fieldwork
i have been considering doing interviews over the computer, but have been looking for a good (and simple) program to use with skype and ichat. a friend recommended wiretap pro which i have been testing during the last days. not only can it be used to tape conversations (both what you say and the one…Continue reading digital fieldwork
Article: Pop and the Nation-State: towards a theorisation
I spent the last week reading and reviewing “Music, National Identity and the Politics of Location” edited by Ian Biddle and the late Vanessa Knights (Ashgate 2007). One article which was quoted in the introduction was Martin Cloonan’s “Pop and the Nation-State: towards a theorisation” (Popular Music 18:2 1999, p. 193-207). In his article Cloonan…Continue reading Article: Pop and the Nation-State: towards a theorisation
new group blog on (post) soviet popular music
together with sergio mazzanti i have started a group blog on (post) soviet popular music. the idea is to collect people doing research on (post) soviet popular music within different fields and create a communal blog on the subject. the blog is located at ps-popular-music.blogspot.com/. if you read this and want to be included as…Continue reading new group blog on (post) soviet popular music
Conference marathon
I just got back from my conference marathon. Starting in Mexico City I attended the biennial IASPM-conference. Yngvar Steinholt and Mark Yoffe and I organized a panel on Soviet- and Post-Soviet popular music. Due to different problems we ended up being a four person panel (Yngvar Steinholt, Sergio Mazzanti, Lena Kopylova and me) with five…Continue reading Conference marathon
journals on russian popular music/culture
two journals have a special edition on russia with some articles on russian popular music: Subaltern #1 – 2007 – Ryssland osteuropa: Der Osten im Westen – Importe der Populärkultur
Online version of “Music Media Multiculture”
The book “Music Media Multiculture – Changing Musicscapes” by Dan Lundberg, Krister Malm and Owe Ronström can be accessed online at old.visarkiv.se/online/online_mmm.html
Book: Global repertoires
I spent today browsing the book “Global Repertoires – Popular music within and beyond the transnational music industry” edited by Andreas Gebesmair and Alfred Smudits (Ashgate 2001). Based on papers from a conference on Music and Globalization in Vienna in 1999 the book is divided in three parts. The first part focuses on the strategies…Continue reading Book: Global repertoires
articles on boris grebenshchikov & music linked to the orange revolution
one of the aims of this phd-blog is to keep a written trail of articles i have read in the course of my research. this morning i actually managed to read two articles 🙂 the first one is by maria brauckhoff titled “Boris Grebenš?ikov – Kult, Gott der Gegenkultur oder nationales Kulturgut?” (published at jfsl.de/publikationen/2005/Brauckhoff.htm.…Continue reading articles on boris grebenshchikov & music linked to the orange revolution
Special Issue: “Popular Music in the Post-Soviet Space: Trends, Movements, and Social Contexts”
Yngvar Steinholt, Mark Yoffe and I will be editing a special issue of Popular Music and Society on Popular Music in the Post-Soviet Space. Deadline for the abstracts (max. 600 words) is September 1st, 2007. The special issue is set to be published spring 2009. See the call for abstracts for more info.