
While there was not snow during my visit in Sweden in late October / early November the cold nights produced some nice frost – as seen here. Taken with my D700 and Nikon 85mm 1.4.


A view of my Swedish grandmother’s house from my last visit in October/November 2013 – even though it was cold there was no snow during the visit. Taken with my D700 and 85mm 1.4.


The fishing pond was closed when we visited it this summer. Taken with my D700 and 50mm 1.8. Here are some more pictures from that trip to Johannisberg:


During a walk by the river Ljungan I saw this fly taking a break. Taken with my D700 and Tamron 90mm 2.8.

Sweden pictures

During my summer vacation I also spent a week at my grandmother’s place. During my stay there was an old timer car show with mostly old American cars: My grandmother also turned 94 during my stay (which was the main reason for my trip): And of course I also took some pictures of my family:

Pontiac figurehead

During my trip to Sweden we visited an antique and classic car meeting in Ljungaverk where I shot this figurehead on a Pontiac with my D700 and Tamron 90mm f2.8 lens.


While visiting my Swedish grandmother we took a tour of Johannisberg and Ljungaverk. Since the workers at the local power station were doing repairs they had to let out water from the reservoir – resulting in the river Ljungan brimming with water. Taken with my D700 and 20-35mm f2.8.

Swedish Winter Landscape

Swedish Winter Landscape

While the winter sun remains quite low in the horizon at my grandmother’s place in central Sweden (about 500 km north of Stockholm) the colors are nice when the sun starts to set in the early afternoon. Taken with my Canon S95.