Popular Music and Society on Popular Music in the Post-Soviet Space

A happy summer announcement: The journal “Popular Music and Society” (32:3 2009) titled “Popular Music in the Post-Soviet Space: Trends, Movements, and Social Contexts” of which Yngvar Steinholt and I were guest editors is now out. Concluding about two years of editorial work (and a lot of really interesting submissions) the journal includes the following…Continue reading Popular Music and Society on Popular Music in the Post-Soviet Space

Russia Profile: “Of Lyrics, Nationalism, and Gay Pride” (Eurovision in Moscow)

Russia Profile’s “Of Lyrics, Nationalism, and Gay Pride” gives a good summary of the recent Eurovision 2009 events in Russia discussing Stephane and 3G, Prikhod’ko and the planned gay pride parade (which Luzhkov, Moscow’s mayor is against) to be staged during the Eurovision contest. For more reading on Prikhod’ko check out Kalle Kniivilä’s Domstol förbjöd…Continue reading Russia Profile: “Of Lyrics, Nationalism, and Gay Pride” (Eurovision in Moscow)