Continuing the pavement decoration series here is another picture of playground art in the late November sun. Taken with my D700 and Nikon 85mm 1.4.
Tag: Autumn
Autumn leaves
Finally autumn has arrived (however, with quite summerly temperatures) – as these leaves taken in Berlin last week show. Taken with my D700 and Nikon 85mm 1.4.
While there was not snow during my visit in Sweden in late October / early November the cold nights produced some nice frost – as seen here. Taken with my D700 and Nikon 85mm 1.4.
Autumn leaves in Berlin
While in Berlin last month autumn finally caught up with us – as these leaves from Dahlem show. Taken with my Canon S 95. Here are some more pics from Berlin:
Autumn pumpkin
Continuing last week’s autumn theme here is a picture of a pumpkin taken during my recent visit to Berlin. Taken with my D700 and 85mm 1.4.
Autumn apples
While in Berlin we had some organic apples grown in Natascha’s garden which besides being tasty were very photogenic. Taken with my D700 and 85mm 1.4.
I finally finished sorting through my pictures from my trip to Amsterdam in October/November 2011. The weather was nice and really brought out the autumn colors:
Luisenpark at Halloween
Ella and I spent the afternoon of Halloween at Luisenpark. Besides the tame wildlife and beautiful autumn colors we saw pumpkins and a lot of people dressed up for Halloween:
Autumn in Mannheim
Autumn slowly – but surly – has arrived in Mannheim as this picture from Luisenpark shows. Taken with my Tamron 90mm lens attached to my D700.