Galkin’s Eurovision Song Contest 2007 parody

Thinking about Alla Pugacheva’s departure from music (at least that is what she announced) it struck me that a large part of Russian estrada consist of Soviet era musicians who all are getting old (e.g. Sofiia Rotaru, Oleg Gazmanov, Valerii Leont’ev, Boris Moiseev). On the other side, a young crop of singers have emerged –…Continue reading Galkin’s Eurovision Song Contest 2007 parody

Russia Profile: “Of Lyrics, Nationalism, and Gay Pride” (Eurovision in Moscow)

Russia Profile’s “Of Lyrics, Nationalism, and Gay Pride” gives a good summary of the recent Eurovision 2009 events in Russia discussing Stephane and 3G, Prikhod’ko and the planned gay pride parade (which Luzhkov, Moscow’s mayor is against) to be staged during the Eurovision contest. For more reading on Prikhod’ko check out Kalle Kniivilä’s Domstol förbjöd…Continue reading Russia Profile: “Of Lyrics, Nationalism, and Gay Pride” (Eurovision in Moscow)

Who are “die Russen” currently living in Germany?

After the fall of the Soviet Union Germany emerged as one of the primary countries of Post-Soviet migration – with at least 2.6 Million Russian speaking migrants living in Germany at the moment (conservatively estimated). Putting this into perspective, there were 6 751 002 registered foreign citizens residing in Germany 2006 – about 8,2% of…Continue reading Who are “die Russen” currently living in Germany?

End of an era: Alla Pugacheva to stop giving concerts

Despite that her singing qualities have declined over the last years Soviet Pop-Diva Alla Pugacheva (born 1949) is one of the most popular Russian estrada singers today (she was both 2006 and 2007 ranked 2nd in a popular survey of Russia’s current elite). So it was a small surprise that she at a press conference…Continue reading End of an era: Alla Pugacheva to stop giving concerts

PTVP & Bozhe, khrani Putina eh, Tsaria…

While chopping away some parts of my dissertation I stumbled upon a short paragraph on the Vyborg/St. Petersburg based punk band Posledniye Tanki v Parizhe (Last Tanks in Paris, a.k.a. PTVP). The group was one of the few locally successful (in terms of playing for an audience of 200-400 listeners) St. Petersburg bands who during…Continue reading PTVP & Bozhe, khrani Putina eh, Tsaria…

Bleeping DDT’s Kogda zakonchitsia neft’

Iurii Shevchuk (DDT) is besides Mikhail Borzykin (Televizor) known for being one of the more outspoken musicians within the russkii rok tradition. Following the presidential elections 2008 he has also performed at the Marsh nesoglasnykh and has been featured on the compilations “Muzyka NEsoglasnykh 1 and 2”. On the first compilation the song “Kogda zakonchitsia…Continue reading Bleeping DDT’s Kogda zakonchitsia neft’

Bozhe, Tsaria khrani & MP44

While listening to MP44’s “Avtoritsarizm” (word play on autocracy and tsarism) on the compilation “Muzyka NEsoglasnykh – chast’ 2” this morning it struck me that the melody they sample was very familiar – some quick research confirmed that the group sampled a male choir singing “Bozhe, Tsaria khrani” (God save the Tsar) – the Russian…Continue reading Bozhe, Tsaria khrani & MP44

Eurovision as a new battlefield in the Russian-Georgian war

After the short, but intense military conflict in Georgia last summer the Georgian-Russian conflict which started after the Rose Revolution 2003 has been transported back to Russia – to Moscow and the 2009 Eurovision competition. Unlike some other Eastern European groups (Ruslana…) Georgia’s Stephane and 3G with the song “We Don’t Wanna Put In” decided…Continue reading Eurovision as a new battlefield in the Russian-Georgian war

Marshrutka and trust

While thinking about stereotypes of Russians it struck me that the Marshrutka provides a good example of trust in Russia. If you are sitting in the back you normally give the money to the passenger in front of you and s/he passes it on until the money reaches the driver. In other words the trust…Continue reading Marshrutka and trust

Why drink Danish beer in Russia?

Somehow I seem followed by Danish beer here in Russia. Yesterday, when I opened the fridge at the Norwegian University Center, a can of Tuborg smiled back at me. And on the Marshrutka going home two men were drinking beer – one had a bottle of Carlsberg and the other a bottle of Tuborg. But…Continue reading Why drink Danish beer in Russia?

Nazi extermination in Russia

A new Russian site focuses on the Nazi extermination of Jews living within the borders of Russia during World War 2. Unlike countries using concentrations camps the form of extermination here was through executions on the spot which made the process easier to “overlook” (plus it was not really included in the collective Soviet memory).…Continue reading Nazi extermination in Russia

back in piter

I’m back in Piter for the year-end-vacation after a break of a year and a half and places, as always, change. Some changes are induced by collective destruction – the lack of snow in St. Petersburg now is probably to some extent due to global warming. However, other changes have direct causes. What really knocked…Continue reading back in piter